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clovis le musicopathe
Whether you are a medical student, a melomaniac or a X-files' fan,
this website is made for you. I'm afflicted by an extremly rare desease and for the moment incurable : the musicopathy. The symptomes are both physical
(clic on my body parts) and psychiques :
I'm obsessed by music ! (this obsession manifests in excentric behavior and playfullness). I hope this website will enlighten the scientific world
on this strange illness.

Clovis (allias "the musicopath").


musicien excentrique
clovis le musicopathe musicopathie musicopathie
inventions musicales
clovis le musicopathe savant fou
musique humoristique musicodingues
spectacle musicomique
jazz comique gag musical animation musicale
clovis inventions instruments de musique
spectacle comique musical
clovis musicien comique artiste musicien comique