phénomène étrange bizarre inventions musicales scie musicale
scie musicale comique humourgagman musicopatheclovis musicopathe animationfêtes spectacle humour musiquejazz comique animationsspectacle musical comiquemusicodingues humour gagmusique burlesque invention musicaleclovis spectacle comique gagman
jazz classique et variétés Foto : Claude Bonadona

At the age of eleven my life is transformed :
After having accidentaly absorbed some diluted
"Anti-Couac", I become a musicopath.
Thus, making comic music becames my daily obsession.

As a teenager I study painting, sculpture and engraving
at the "Ecole des Beaux-Arts" at Mans. After optaining
my diploma, I discover Paris, the quais Malaquais
and its famous fanfare of Beaux-Arts.

At night I jam at the Slow Club and meet Claude Luter
who becomes my clarinette professor.

Then I do the round of jazz clubs (le Riverboat, la Huchette,
le Petit Journal...). I travels the country with
the Haricots Rouges and Europe 1.
Moustache hires me at The Cintra, the Bilboquet
and the Méridien.

spectacle humour musique
musicien excentrique musicopathe

The same year, I become World Champion
at saxophone throwing (record unparalleled since).

My musical appetite pushes me to incessantly invent
new instruments with which I experiment on the stages
of la Vieille Grille, le Printemps de Bourges,
le Théâtre de dix heures, le Festival d'Avignon, Bobino, l'Auditorium St-Germain-des-Prés.

The world of television shows interest in my work :
I compose the tunes for the programms
"Huile et vinaigre", "le Bonheur est dans le pré".
I participate in musical animation emissions such as
le Théâtre de Bouvard, la Soupière a des oreilles,
the news of TF1-France2 -France3, la Classe,
Disney-Club, Ciel mon mardi, Groland Sat
at Canal +...
Then it is the turn of radio emissions : Radio France interests me with the tunes of a programm
on bald men and the true story of the Dahu.

Still plagued by chronica musicopathy, I became
in june 2004 World Vice Champion of the jazzoflute
at the New Morning in Paris.
Now you can see my new comical and musical show.

Look at my last inventions.